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Stoney Creek Fishing and Hunting Club offers Maryland Hunter Safety Courses.  Classes are open to the public and there is no minimum age requirement. “All classes are Free of Charge”

Traditional Hunting Course – This class is instructor lead and is covered in three sessions.  Students under 13 year of age must take this course.  Classes are Monday and Thursday evening from 5:45 PM – 10:00PM and Saturday 7:45 AM – 3:00PM

Sessions include registration, handouts and classroom instruction.  In the Saturday session, students also have practical exercises including hands on instruction and live fire with .22 caliber Rifle and Shotgun.  Saturday is a real fun day and concludes with a 50 question multiple choice examination, which if passed, results in a Certificate of Competency (Hunter Safety Card). This card is good in all 50 states and Canada and is good for life!

Classroom Topics Include:

·  Safe Firearms Handling  ·  Marksmanship

·  Hunter Ethics ·  Shot Placement

·  Tracking & Trailing ·  Handgun Hunting

·  Muzzleloading ·  Archery

·  Basic Survival ·  Wildlife Management

Field Exercises Include:

·  Live Fire on the Small Bore Rifle Range

·  Live Fire on the Trap Range

·  Tree Stand Safety ·  Hunting out of Blinds

·  Hunting out of Boats

·  Hunting over Dogs

There is no minimum age requirement established by DNR, but the younger attendees may need parental help in reading and understanding the course booklet.  Parents will need to sign a liability release form and should accompany their youngsters during the training. It is usually good, quality time for both girls and boys to experience the course.

Internet Field Day Workshop - Stoney Creek Fishing and Hunting Club also conducts Internet Field Day Workshops which are required after completing the online class.  These workshops are generally held Saturday or Sunday 7:45AM – 1:00PM.  Students MUST complete the online requirements and have a valid Field Day Voucher to attend.

Maryland Department of Natural Resources Information:
    · For general questions call Natural Resources Police Education Division 410-643-8502 or go to:  Maryland DNR Hunter Education
    · Hunter Safety class schedules and registration information can be found at:  Maryland DNR Class Listings

 For questions concerning SCFHC Hunter Safety Program, email SCFHClub.HunterSafety@gmail.com or use our web email contact form


Stoney Creek Fishing & Hunting Club, Inc.
9090 Fort Smallwood Road
Pasadena, Maryland 21122