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2025 Pistol League Schedule

Thur, March 13, 2025 (Gen Interest Mtg)

Sunday, April 06, 2025

Sunday, April 27, 2025

Saturday, May 03, 2025

Sunday, May 18, 2025

Sunday, June 01, 2025

Saturday, June 14, 2025

Saturday, June 28, 2025

 Sunday, July 13, 2025

Saturday, July 26, 2025

Saturday, August 09, 2025

Saturday, August 30, 2025

Sunday, September 07, 2025

Saturday,  September 27, 2025 BANQUET (5:00pm)


Pistol League Description & Rules

  • Stoney Creek Pistol League adheres to the NRA rules for Pistol League Matches
  • Cost: 1 gun is $10 per match, 2 guns is $15 per match
  • Matches:
    • Start time is 9:00am.  They will be on Saturday or Sunday (check schedule).  There will be a sign up sheet used by the league chair to determine when a shooter is up to shoot (when a booth opens up)
    • Shooters shoot their matches on the 25 yard range
    • Duration: Each match, on the average, lasts about 45 minutes (for each gun you are shooting if you're shooting 2 guns)
    • The schedule has 12 match dates - you have to shoot at least 10 matches to get a t-shirt/attend the banquet.  Some shooters shoot 11 or all 12 matches - the top 10 highest scores are counted as your final standing.
  • No magnification (no scopes) of any type is allowed.  All other sighting platforms are allowed (including open sights, red dot and laser)
  • No practice shooting on the day of a match
  • Alibis - a malfunction of the gun or ammunition (it is not shooter error).  If you determine you have an alibi, you are to stop and lower your gun and raise your hand to indicate you have an alibi.
  • Classification:
    • Types: Expert, Sharpshooter, Pro Marksman, Marksman:   
      Expert: (875 - 900)
      Sharpshooter: (849 - 874)
      Pro Marksman: (823 - 848)
      Marksman: (000 - 822)
    • All participants are classified based on their highest three (3) match scores.
    • Once classified (described below), all participants are ranked within class based on their cumulative scores.   Ties within a class will be determined based on X’s (bull’s eye).
    • If you have not participated in a previous Stoney Creek Pistol League, you will not have an established classification until after you shoot 3 matches.
    • League members who competed in the previous year league will carry over their classification (starting at match #1)
    • Classification Determination: Conforming to Target Shooting Match rules and SCFHClub’s implementation, each match classifies based on the above score range.  The highest three (3) matches in the same classification establish the competitor’s class.  This is NOT an average of all matches combined!   (This has the intentional significant effect on two (2) gun shooters and the high overall classification, increasing the challenge and prestige of that status).
      • For example, if a shooter has five (5) matches scoring 874, 874, 874, 888, and 874, the average is 876.8.  However, since only one (1) match is in the Expert classification, the three (3) highest classifications are Sharpshooter.  Therefore, the competitor is classified in the Sharpshooter category, NOT Expert!
    • A competitor must request a lowering of classification after shooting eight (8) or more matches below their existing classification, per NRA rules.   This prevents “sand bagging”.
  • Match Specific Rules:
    • Ear and eye protection must be worn at all times (standard club Range Rules apply).
    • No handling of firearms while scorers are down range or until the person running the match says it is safe to handle your firearms.
    • There will only be five (5) bullets loaded in your magazine or revolvers at anytime.  You can load your magazines while scorers are down range but no handling of firearms.
    • Before and after you shoot, magazines out, actions open.

Range Commands, Control, and Course of Fire



  1. All commands by the Match Officer running the match must be adhered to immediately!

  2. Safety requires continuous attention by all to the careful handling of firearms and caution in moving about the range. Self-discipline is necessary on the part of all. Where such self-discipline is lacking it is the duty of the range personnel to enforce discipline and the duty of competitors to assist in such enforcement. Under no circumstances shall firing commence or continue on a range where an unsafe condition exists.

  3. Cease Fire - Is the command given at the end of the time limit for each string, or stage, or at any other time all firing is to cease. Firing must cease immediately. Even if a competitor is about to let off a carefully aimed shot the competitor must not fire and open the action of the gun. Failure to immediately obey this command is one of the worst infractions of range discipline.

  4. Pistols will not be loaded except as directed by match officials. “Loaded” indicates a firearm with a cartridge in the cylinder or chamber or with a magazine in place.

  5. Ear and eye protection must be worn at all times........

  6. There will be no handling of firearms while scorers are down range or until the Match Officer says it is safe to handle your firearms.

  7. There will only be five (5) bullets loaded in your magazines or revolvers at anytime. You can load your magazines while scorers are down range but no handling of firearms.

  8. Before and after you shoot, magazines out, actions open.

  9. NOTE:  No magnification (no scopes)   No magnification (no scopes) of any type allowed.  All other sighting platforms allowed (to include open sights, red dot, and laser).



For each string, the Match Officer will give the following commands:

  • Load your firearms

  • Shooters Ready

  • Ready on the Left

  • Ready on the Right

  • Ready on the Firing Line

  • Fire

After the time is up, the Match Officer will say:

  • Cease Fire

  • At that time, make your firearms safe and get ready for the next string of fire.

  • If there are any alibis, put down your firearm and wait for the Match Officer to check to see if it is an alibi or a shooter’s mistake.



Centerfire 90 shots per gun

Rimfire 90 shots per gun

  1. Slow Fire: 2 strings of 10 shots, 2 minutes/string

  2. Time Fire: 4 strings of 5 shots, 15 seconds/string

  3. Rapid Fire: 4 strings of 5 shots, 11 seconds/string

Police L Course

  1. Slow Fire: 1 string of 10 shots, 2 minutes

  2. Time Fire: 2 strings of 5 shots, 15 seconds/string

  3. Rapid Fire: 2 strings of 5 shots, 11 seconds/string


Stoney Creek Fishing & Hunting Club, Inc.
9090 Fort Smallwood Road
Pasadena, Maryland 21122